There was a doll

There was a doll and her parents Children’s educational meals

There was a doll

Yesterday was the doll’s fifteenth birthday. The house was glowing with bright lamps. The arrival of guests had already started. The visiting guests were celebrating the birthday of the Ami Abuko doll along with the gifts. Everyone in the family loved the doll very much. On the occasion of the birthday, all the relatives brought gifts of the doll’s choice. Mother, uncle, brother, mother, father, and all other relatives filled the whole house with gifts. This night was full of laughter and fun. The next day it was difficult to handle all these gifts at home.

Like every year, this doll’s birthday was also celebrated with great fanfare. The doll’s parents had never called her by her real name at home out of affection and the doll was also unaware of her real name. Now the doll was growing up and the doll’s parents were worried about her marriage. Her father thought why not get her identity card made before her marriage? When the doll was taken to the ID card office, the person on duty asked the doll to write her name on the form.

The doll said:

I don’t understand.” The man repeated his words and said: “Son, take this pen and write your name here on the form.” Abu took the doll’s hand and put his thumb in the signature place. The doll found it all strange. No one had ever called her by her real name in the house, nor did the doll know that her name could be anything other than a doll.

The doll was now beginning to realize that despite everything in life, how incomplete and lonely her life is without an education. The doll now hated seeing these beautiful precious gifts. He took these precious gifts in his hands and broke them one by one and then took out his brother’s books from the cupboard and put them on his chest crying. The doll fell asleep with tears in her eyes.

How fast time was moving?

No one can bring it back. All the people who came for the relationship of the doll, first of all, asked about the education of the doll. Hearing the question, the doll’s parents often bowed their heads and gave the same answer in a muffled voice. If there is no education left, then everything is given by Allah. You will not miss anything in dowry.

People would leave without saying anything after hearing this. In many other places too, the talk of the relationship between the doll and the doll continued to be created simply because of education. Even the doll was now beginning to realize how big a joke her parents had played with her life. The doll’s close relatives also did not ask for her hand in marriage due to lack of education and thus the problems of the doll’s parents continued to increase. They realized their mistake only when the time was almost up.

One by one,

the mother and father of the doll went away from this world with the dream of the doll’s marriage and dreams in their eyes. Now the burden of all household responsibilities fell on the shoulders of Garia’s elder brother. After the death of their English parents, the elder brother got married into an educated family and started living a prosperous life. Thus, to some extent, the doll’s feeling of loneliness went away with the arrival of the sister-in-law.

Bhabhi and the doll were very much in love.

Bhabhi started the education of the doll by naming everyday objects in the house. doll names of things in englishI used to teach and write Urdu too. When the brother would ask, the doll would answer immediately and would also tell in writing. In this way, the desire to get an education came inside the doll. Then one day he bought the books which are related to our home life. Thus, the doll acquired expertise in household affairs along with education. The doll that someone ever teased in love

She didn’t even ask to make a bowl, today she does all the housework. Bhabhi’s efforts and Gariya’s hard work paid off and today, by the grace and grace of Allah, Gariya is not behind anyone in the field of education because the strength of Allah Almighty is with those who work hard. A hard worker is a friend of Allah. And then after finding a suitable place for her, she got married.

Today, the fear of being uneducated continues inside the doll. The doll sits alone and laughs out loud when the attention goes to the past. Dolls’ children now study in colleges and universities. When the doll narrated this important story of her life to her children, the children began to say to their mother that our beloved Prophet has blessed the saying of knowledge that you should learn from the mother’s lap to the grave. There is no age limit in it. It is indeed true that knowledge is great wealth.

More links: The fruit of patience

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