Reward for hard work motivate kids by Educational stories

Reward for hard work

Zahid was a ninth grader who always secured the fourth or fifth position in his class. Despite having all the good qualities, one of his biggest weaknesses was his short stature. That’s why all the boys used to call him “small”. When he would call him saying, “Hey little man, listen to the talk,” he would sink into a sense of strange regret.

But instead of getting angry, he behaved with good manners. He had the intention in his heart that he would grow up to be something. The 9th board exams had come to a head. Zahid was preparing for the exam very hard. Today was English first paper Zahid was satisfied with his paper as he did the paper very well and did not miss a single question. The next exam was Mathematics, for which Zahid had prepared well.

Finally, all the papers were done one by one. Four months later the result of the ninth was to come, in these four months he bought the course books of class 10 and got admission to the academy. In the academy, he used to read 10th-grade books and what he didn’t understand, he would ask the teacher.

Ninth Results

Before he had already completed half of his 10th class preparation. When the result was out, it had ninety percent marks. The new session of the 10th had started. Now he started going to school again. The same atmosphere happened again in the school. All the boys used to make fun of him because of his short stature, but he didn’t care and continued to focus on his studies. When the matriculation exams started, this time also he came through all the papers very well. That was the reason that when the result came, he had achieved significant success in that too, his name was among the second position holders in the newspapers.

He looked at the newspaper again and again and was overjoyed when he was convinced that the number belonged to him. His schoolboys also came to his house to congratulate him. They lifted him on their shoulders and started shouting slogans that Zahid was his friend. The whole fleet is across. Hearing Zahid’s Abushor, they came out and when they came to know that Zahid got the second position in the whole district, they distributed sweets in the whole neighborhood.

The next day

He received a written summons from the Prime Minister. On the other hand, the school teachers had also organized events for him where they were waiting for Zahid with lots of gifts. He was given a warm welcome at school. After an impressive ceremony, the principal called Zahid onto the stage and A check of ten thousand rupees was given to him as a reward. His face was beaming with happiness. Today he was not suffering from an inferiority complex. Because till yesterday, those who used to call him after fighting and saying, “yaar baat”, today apologized to Zahid and became his dear friends.


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Conversation etiquette

Dear children!

Always speak the truth. Do not feel any hesitation in this! When two men are talking, do not interrupt. If someone is telling you something, don’t assume that you know it, but listen carefully, maybe you will understand something new.

Whoever you talk to, talk to him keeping in mind his age, status, and your relationship with him. Do not talk to parents like friends.

Always speak short and to the point, do not talk nonsense. Always speak in a medium voice.

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