Forget the Morning motivate kids by Educational stories for children

Forget the morning

He had never had this tone with his teammates before. They were also worried about what happened to our Sardar today. Then he left everything and ran helplessly. He was going in the direction towards which the elder had run. On the other hand, passengers without luggage were walking fast on the main highway, knowing that their lives would be saved. After a while, the Sardar reached where Master Muhammad Din was tied to a tree by the Sardar’s companions. Tears were flowing from the Sardar’s eyes and he was opening it with the tree, hiding his mouth from the branch. Now Babaji was saying: “Oy ka, don’t lose me for sure, deliver that box to the mosque, it is the trust of Allah with me.”

Meanwhile, the robber said:

Abaji, I am your Raju, your ill-fated, bad character, sinful Riaz aka Raju. Abaji, I wronged elders like you, stole the ornaments of many women, and shot the legs of many young men. Now I realize how many people mine They will suffer because of it. Now I know that I am a big criminal, cruel. But now maybe Allah will not forgive my sins and immense cruelty.” In the meantime, Babaji removed the mask from Raju’s mouth looked at him carefully for a moment, and then quickly hugged him and said while crying: “My Riyaz son. Go home and do it. When you were a child, you obeyed your parents

I would not have been at the point in life where I am standing today. How many times did your mother and I explain to you that if a son sits in the company of bad people, a person will become bad himself one day, but you always listened and removed it from your ears? Now be thankful that Allah has opened your eyes.” He brought Babaji to a heap of looted goods from travelers.

Meanwhile, the rest of the bandits said:

Sir, what did you do? If your relative had come out, the treasurer would have returned the money! Why did he drive away these passengers before escaping? If any of them reported to the police station? Raju said:

From today I am not your chief. I am Riyaz Ahmed son of this Babaji some have never eaten looted property in their entire life and they still collect donations for the mosque at this age. Now I am done and I am going with Babaji.

“Where are you going?” came the hateful voice of one of Riaz’s companions. Riyaz’s talk was not even completed yet when a heavy force of police was released on all these robbers as if the enemy’s army had killed them in the night. She arrested them all and took them away. The police may have been tipped off by one of the passengers who were returning after landing. A month later, Riaz was released on bail by the court. Now Riaz Ahmad earns a living by doing hard labor, serving his parents, and volunteering to guard the entire village at night.

66 Surrender yourself to the law…

If someone invites him to do useless things, he refuses saying that just as my father has the trust of Allah, the treasurer of the mosque, so I have my life in the trust of Allah and I will not betray this trust. Want!

More Stories: Pen theft

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