Ayman and the Parrot motivate kids by Educational stories


Ayman and the Parrot

Ayman’s house was near the beach. On this shore, there was a forest with swaying plants. The tree was very big. Ayman often went to play under this tree. There lived a parrot on this tree who gradually became Ayman’s friend whom Ayman later on
Also taught to speak. Looks like Many oysters were scattered on the shore. Ayman saw a boat moored on the seashore. Its owner was a fisherman who had probably gone home to eat. Ayman sat there. He started building sand houses. After some time he saw that the sun was setting over the sea to the west and the water had turned golden in color. Ayman left the game and started walking towards home.

He suddenly hit an oyster, which split the oyster into two parts, and a pearl shining like gold was floating on the shore of the Ayman Sea one day. When the waves of the sea moved towards her, she would run back, and when the waves went back, Ayman would again walk on the wet sand.turned out Ayman liked that pearl very much. She collected many oysters kept them under the big tree and left.

Those days,

Emin had holidays and after doing her homework, she would go out to play. When she reached under the tree where she kept the oysters, the parrot also came down from the tree. Safe arrived! Have you come safely? He said, fluttering on the parrot. How is Mian Mithu? Ayman asked. The parrot said: “I’m fine, I’m fine” Ayman stole and gave him fruits. The parrot started stealing and eating fruits with pleasure.

Ayman started extracting pearls from oysters. All the pearls were shining like gold. Ayman made a garland out of all these pearls and wore it around his neck. The garland looked great on her. Mian Mattho! how is my necklace Parrot said: “Very good!” It’s great!” After playing there for a while, Ayman went home. The next day Ayman reached there quickly. Gave food to the parrot. The parrot went to the tree after eating went. Aiken was looking at the beads until the parrot shouted:

Amen go! Amen go!

Ayman looked back and saw a black snake waving and eating its bill. Ayman threw the garland and ran away.

The snake picked up the garland and quickly went into its burrow.

Ayman started crying.

My garland! I made it with so much passion.”

The parrot said: “Amen, don’t cry, don’t cry, I’m doing something.”

The parrot had seen a spider in the forest that day, which was catching a snake by playing the bean. Parrot ran quickly to the part of the forest where the spider had pitched its tent.

Spira said:

“But what will this benefit me?”

The parrot told him about the snake and asked him to catch it. Parrot said: You will get a good snake You will get a good snake!!!! Spira agreed and picked up his bean and bag and followed the parrot. Ayman was very happy when she saw Spire coming. Phere started playing Bean in front of Nag Bridge. After a while, that black snake came out swinging and stood in front of the spider. The spider started playing the bell louder and louder and when the snake was mesmerized, he suddenly caught it put it in the basket closed the lid on top, and tied it with a rope. Ayman thanked Spere. Spire thanked Ayman’s parrot for helping him catch the snake.

When Spira left, Ayman started crying again. Parrot said: “What happened now?” what happened now? “My necklace, who will take it out of the plow?” said Ayman. “Cos it’s a matter! it’s also a matter!” said the parrot, and went quickly into the bill. After a while, he came out with the golden bead in his beak. Ayman was very happy. She put the parrot on her shoulder very lovingly and went away humming. Look, children! A good pet is a good friend and an animal that annoys others will be punished for its mischief. And it is also closed.

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