Clearing Misconceptions
Placing Items on Children’s Stomach
Clearing Misconceptions Placing items on children’s stomachs, Islamic rulings on talismans and amulets
Question: Is it permissible to put cloth or leather on the stomachs shirks of infants or older children? We often use this practice and would like to know if it’s allowed.
Answer: The permissibility of placing cloth or leather on children’s stomachs depends on the intent. If it’s used as an amulet or talisman to gain profit or avoid harm, it is considered haram and sometimes shirks (associating partners with Allah). However, if it serves a valid purpose, like preventing a baby’s navel from swelling or securely tying the back, then it is permissible.
Using a Knife as a Talisman for Protection
Knife as a talisman for protection, Islamic rulings on talismans and amulets
Question: Some people keep a knife near their children to protect them from jinn. Is this practice correct?
Answer: Keeping a knife or any object made of iron or wood near children in the belief that it will protect them from jinn has no valid basis in Sharia and is not permissible. The proper method is to follow the example of Prophet Ali, who used to pray for Hazrat Hasan and Hussain, seeking Allah’s protection from all evil. The use of amulets is also impermissible, as hanging amulets goes against the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.
Reciting Words of Intention for Ablution and Prayer
Words of intention in Islam, Reciting intention for ablution and prayer
Question: Is it necessary to recite the words of intention with the tongue before ablution and prayer?
Answer: Reciting the intention with the tongue for ablution and prayer is considered an innovation, as it lacks support from the authority of Prophet Muhammad and his Companions. The true intention resides in the heart, and there’s no need to verbalize it.
Praying in Soiled Clothes
Praying in soiled clothes
Question: Can one pray in clothes soiled by an infant’s vomit?
Answer: If the child is an infant who has not consumed solid food, you can clean the soiled cloth by sprinkling water on it. Avoid praying in wet clothes.
Ablution and Children’s Impurity
Ablution and children’s impurity, Islamic rulings on ablution
Question: Does washing a child’s impurity after ablution break one’s ablution?
Answer: No, washing a child’s impurity after ablution does not invalidate one’s ablution. However, touching the child’s private parts, just as with one’s private parts, breaks the ablution.
More Fact: Secretions from a Woman’s Body
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