Veil in Islam

The Importance of Veil in Islam: Guidelines for Different Women

Veil in Islam

In Islam, modesty and the concept of covering oneself are crucial aspects. The Veil in Islam, or hijab, plays a vital role in preserving modesty and protecting individuals from temptation. This blog post will explore various scenarios in which women must observe the veil, from minor girls to elderly women, and even housemaids. We will delve into the Islamic rulings, guidelines, and the underlying reasons behind them.

Minor Girls and the Veil

Concerning minor girls, Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of teaching them Islamic manners from a young age. They are supposed to observe the veil to instill good conduct and prevent them from being a source of temptation. This practice ensures they do not become the cause of sedition or corruption within the community.

Prophet Ali Keim states that minor girls should pray while wearing the veil. This practice instills a sense of modesty and reverence from an early age, aligning with the broader principles of the Islamic faith.

Veil of an Elderly Woman

Islamic guidelines regarding elderly women differ from those for younger individuals. For women of seventy or ninety years of age, who have no prospects of marriage and do not intend to display their beauty, there is no sin in uncovering their faces in front of non-mahram relatives. However, it is suggested that they continue to cover, as Allah advises that it is better and more prudent.

Older women, despite not intending to display their beauty, may still have the potential to incite temptation due to their physical beauty. Therefore, maintaining modesty through covering remains an essential aspect of their faith. The broader message is clear: modesty remains vital throughout one’s life.

The Maid’s Hijab

The obligation for housemaids to observe the veil is another aspect of Islamic teaching. Housemaids are required to cover their heads in front of their masters. As well as avoid applying makeup and being alone with them. This is based on general Shariah arguments, aiming to prevent any potential fitna or discord.

The act of uncovering or displaying beauty in front of their masters can lead to temptation, potentially causing the master to stray from the path of righteousness. Therefore, ensuring that housemaids maintain their modesty is not only for their benefit but also for the spiritual well-being of the household.

The veil concept in Islam transcends age and social status. It is a practice deeply rooted in modesty, preventing temptation, and upholding the principles of the Islamic faith. From minor girls learning the importance of modesty from a young age to elderly women maintaining their dignity. And even housemaids contribute to the harmony of a household. The veil plays a vital role in the lives of Muslim women. By adhering to these guidelines, individuals strengthen their connection to their faith and promote a sense of modesty and reverence that is at the core of Islamic teachings.

Understanding Veiling Practices in Islam

In the Islamic faith, veiling is a symbol of modesty and piety. This blog will explore various aspects of veiling, from guiding Muslim servants to interactions with non-Muslim maids and even the intriguing topic of veiling a son-in-law. Let’s delve into these aspects of Islamic veiling practices and their significance.

Guidance for Muslim Servants

You may encounter a situation where a Muslim servant observes all religious duties but does not cover her hair. In such cases, it is your religious duty to guide her to observe proper veiling. The obligation stems from the need to avoid fitnah (temptation), chaos, and disorder, as well as to maintain the principles of modesty.

Veiling with Non-Muslim Maids

When you have non-Muslim maids in your household, it’s important to understand your responsibilities regarding veiling and interaction with them. Non-Muslim women are subject to the same veiling rules as Muslim women. You can wash their clothes and dishes without any issue, but if they do not accept Islam, their contracts should be terminated. This is based on historical Islamic rulings, which prevent non-Muslims from residing or working in the Arabian Peninsula. This prohibition applies to both men and women, including laborers and servants.

You have the opportunity to invite non-Muslim servants to Islam. Engage in knowledgeable and insightful conversations about the merits of Islam and its status as the culmination of all previous religions. Always approach such conversations with knowledge and insight, as speaking irresponsibly about Allah and His religion without knowledge is highly undesirable.

Veiling Son-in-Law

In some cases, women choose to veil their sons-in-law and refrain from physical contact. Is this permissible? The son-in-law is considered a mahram, a close relative by marriage, and is equivalent in terms of modesty rules to a mother, sister, or daughter. Hence, veiling the face, hair, and other body parts from the son-in-law during the day is not required. Similarly, refraining from shaking hands with the son-in-law during meetings is unnecessary and could lead to misunderstandings or strained relationships.

In fact, taking such measures can potentially create suspicion or strained relations between the son-in-law and mother-in-law, leading to the son-in-law feeling unwelcome or untrusted. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid such practices in the context of a son-in-law’s relationship with his mother-in-law.


Understanding the practice of veiling in Islam is essential for upholding the principles of modesty, preventing fitnah, and maintaining harmony in family relationships. Whether guiding Muslim servants, interacting with non-Muslim maids, or addressing issues related to family relations, the principles of veiling are deeply rooted in the Islamic faith and serve to foster a sense of respect and piety among individuals within the community.

Veiling in Islam, often referred to as the hijab, is a symbol of modesty and piety deeply rooted in the faith. It is a practice that extends to both men and women, although it is more commonly associated with women. For Muslim women, veiling typically involves covering the head and sometimes the face. With the objective of concealing one’s beauty and preserving modesty. This practice is seen as an expression of devotion to Allah and a safeguard against temptation and immorality. While veiling is a religious obligation. It’s also a powerful statement of identity and a means to foster a sense of community among Muslims. Reflecting the core principles of Islam.

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