Jaundice After Purification

Menstruation and Jaundice After Purification Comprehensive Guide


Navigating Turbidity or Jaundice After Purification

Question: I usually have a six-day menstrual period, but some months it extends to seven days. There are times when I take a ghusl (ritual purification) after my period ends, but a day later, I notice some Jaundice After Purification. I’m unsure about the Shariah ruling in this situation and whether I should pray, fast, or perform other religious actions. What should I do?

Answer: When you are aware of your monthly menstrual cycle, you should refrain from offering prayers and fasting during your menstrual period. After achieving purity, you can resume your prayers and fasting. If you notice yellowness or turbidity after purification, it doesn’t prevent you from praying and fasting. The clear sign of purity that women are familiar with is known as “pure whiteness.” This signifies the end of menstruation and the beginning of tahr (ritual purity), after which you should perform acts of worship like ghusl, prayer, fasting, and recitation of the Qur’an.

The Permissibility of Using Henna During Menstruation

Question: I’ve heard that applying henna on hair or hands during menstruation is forbidden. Is it permissible for a woman to use henna during her menstrual period?

Answer: There is no issue with using henna during menstruation. Those who prohibit it or consider it disliked have no valid reason for doing so. When a woman becomes pure after menstruation, she should take a bath and remove things that can be washed off the body. If something cannot be removed from the body, there is no problem with it remaining.

Reciting Quranic Verses and Menstruating Women

Question: Can a menstruating woman recite Quranic verses, for example, using them as examples or arguments? Is there any guidance on this?

Answer: It is permissible for a menstruating woman to read books containing Quranic verses or explanatory text. Similarly, there is no issue with writing Quranic verses while composing an article, for instance. Reciting Quranic verses as arguments or using them in supplications and wazifas (spiritual practices) is also allowed. These actions are not considered Quranic recitation in the traditional sense. Additionally, carrying books with Quranic verses for reference is permissible as needed.

Exercise Patience During Menstruation

Question: My menstrual period typically lasts for seven to eight days, and sometimes I notice blood on the seventh day while I am still unclean. Should I rush to perform purification and resume prayers and fasting?

Answer: It’s important not to rush in this situation. You should refrain from prayer and fasting until you observe “pure whiteness,” which is a recognized symbol of purity for women. The mere cessation of blood is not an indicator of purification. Tahar (ritual purity) is confirmed when you see the symbol of purity (whiteness) and your usual menstrual period has concluded.

This comprehensive guide aims to provide clarity on various aspects of menstruation and purification, helping women navigate these rules in their daily lives.

More Fact: Pregnancy and Menstrual Blood

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